Monday, January 26, 2009

Interview FIVE of your friends by asking the following question:
Friend #1: Your fun loving, and trust worthy, and a great friend.
Friend#2: Your humour, trust worthy, FUN, and caring.
Friend#3: Your Awesome, I love talking to you, If i'm in trouble i could always call you for help.
Friend#4: Your spunky, A great person to talk to, Caring, Humour, A blast, and easy to fall in love with.
Friend#5: You make mise comments, House holdleader, If times are hard I can count on you. Your a leader by action not words.

Do one of the things you love from our in-class activity.:
I love making dinner for people. I made Dinner for four of my roommates. It was a great meal. I made chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy with peas and a beer. It was a great meal and everyone enjoyed it.
I interviewed my mother for the first part or the activity.

What was I like in the first five years of my life?

You were a premature baby by two weeks. You were born with sleep aphina. As an Early child you were always smiling. You were not like most children and would let just about anyone hold you. In other words you were a very outgoing baby. You learned to run before you walked. You would get a good running start and then fall. This being said that's why you have two scares over both of your eye brows. Over all you were a great kid.

What things did I love, what games did I like to play, what did you think was unique about me?

You loved to play with building blocks. Also you loved to eat. I think this still stands today! You loved playing soccer. You started playing soccer when you were 5 years of age. Soccer was the main sport you liked to play. Also you loved playing board games with the family. I thought the most unique thing about you was your personality as a child and fearlessness to approach random individuals. Your father and I were quite concerned about this because at the time we did not live in the safest of areas in Memphis.

What did you think I would become when I grew up?

I thought you would be whatever you set your heart mind and soul to be.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm taking leadership for change so I can find out more about myself.
I hope to make some new friends and study some interesting things.
As a child I remember following my dad aound and wanting to always build things with him. I used to think about soccer a lot. It was a main focus in my life. I loved to run. If I have a tough day or have a break i'm prob going to be working out during that time. I think my early life was good and has helped me be the person I am today.