Monday, January 26, 2009

Interview FIVE of your friends by asking the following question:
Friend #1: Your fun loving, and trust worthy, and a great friend.
Friend#2: Your humour, trust worthy, FUN, and caring.
Friend#3: Your Awesome, I love talking to you, If i'm in trouble i could always call you for help.
Friend#4: Your spunky, A great person to talk to, Caring, Humour, A blast, and easy to fall in love with.
Friend#5: You make mise comments, House holdleader, If times are hard I can count on you. Your a leader by action not words.

Do one of the things you love from our in-class activity.:
I love making dinner for people. I made Dinner for four of my roommates. It was a great meal. I made chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy with peas and a beer. It was a great meal and everyone enjoyed it.

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