Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I had the chance to interview a man by the name Dave Miller he owns a soccer unlimited store on the west side of Greenwood IN. It was a good email conversation. I got some good insight on what it takes to start a business and keep it in full running shape. Mr. Miller also said it is important to have lots of experience with every different kind of person I possible could. The more practice you have the easier things will be when it really matters. He said it is important to have a good business plan and any extra suport that is provided use it. He said some hard times for him was when his wife didn't support him because she didn't think his choices where safe ones. He said that it hard when the closest peolpe to you are not agreeing with your actions.

I was not 100% successful in interviewing a Barcelona Player but, I had a back up plan and his name is Baggio Husidic. The reason I choose Him is because he knows how it feels to work hard and finally reach his goal of getting drafted to play professional soccer. He told me the best way to improve your skill is to touch a soccer ball at least 15 min a day. When he would train he said he would be the first one there and the last one to leave besides the coaches. He said that every min that he stayed extra he would document it to make sure he at least gets 3 hours of extra work a week then his normal average teammates. he summed up the whole interview with this. Your only gonna get out what you put in. If it were easy everyone would be doing it.

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