Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The homework for this week was do two task that will help you complete your goal.
My First task started after class ended I first had to complete my flow chart then my task was to find an option overseas that I could pursue. I got in touch with a local soccer coach that runs a soccer program called sockers. They are traveling over seas to Europe in the summer. This is my opportunity to show my skills in a setting overseas. I have to try out when the school semester ends in May.
The second task was a mental and physical task. Last week was our spring break witch for our team means a dead week. I took it upon myself to make sure I train everyday over break and keep my routine of weight lifting three days a week. The reason i made this my task is my stength coach said that 85% of the team would take the whole week off and that puts you two weeks behind in our training. I made this a task becasue at the next level every day counts much less a week.

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