Tuesday, April 7, 2009

There were two exercises that we were supposed to do this week. My first task was to stop by the co-op office to see if I could do an internship or something of that sort while being in school also. The people at the office are very helpful and nice. There are some options for me during the school time period. I now have to figure out what I will have to give up. This will mean me not training with my team in the spring and just trying to do school and my co-op. I would have to do most of my training on my own. This is a challenge because it is hard enough to do it when someone is pushing you. It's even harder when your doing it off pure self motivation.
The second part was reflecting on our fears. I someday would like to play soccer at the professional level. Tonight is our game against the Chicago Fire. This is a challenge/ fear, because this is a test to see my abilities compared to someone at the professional level. The resistance is that i have been questioning myself at times. This then makes me nervous at times. I'm very excited for our event tonight at seven!! Last year there were 2000 people watching us play. It's a great feeling when there are that many people watching you play. weather they are there to see you or not. The way I have delt with preparing myself for this game is going out and having fun. If i have fun and don't worry to much about the outcome i will try to preform to the best of my abilities. Overall my goal is to turn this fear into a fun learning atmosphere that i can grow on and help guide me to the next level.

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