Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The most important thing I learned this semester was know myself before trying to lead or interact with others.
After reading my blog I feel like I have grown throughout the semester. I feel like professor Rock has guided me to find myself and push me to limits I would not of touched without some guidance. There were some frustrating times but also many good times. My thinking has changed throughout the semester. I feel like if I want something all I have to do is go for it and just step out of the ordinary boundaries. At times this is easier said then done. This has put a huge change on my future. I feel like nothing is out of reach where before I was questioning myself. I made Phone calls to peolpe that I thought I would never talk to. I have set my mind to a certian amount of training that I thought was impossible but, just holding myself accountable for what I said I was going to do made me do the work. The real test is always when no one is watching you and you can try to cut corners. It is so easy to do those types of things. This class has helped me understand that having a plan and sticking to it is the best and easiest way possible to handle that sort of situation.
The top three things I liked about Leadership for Change was it made me think about myself in a way I have never thought about. It made me think outside of the box. The second thing was it made me hold myself accountable and teach myself how to be 100% accountable all the time not just 85% or 90% of the time. The third thing I liked was I met peolpe that I can network with and how to network better in the future.
The three things I liked least were at times this class was frustrating. It made you get out of your comfort zone and push you to new heights. This is a good thing once you get over the hump. The second thing was I didn't like the kill your tv part. I don't watch tv that much but I do a certain times. I was so happy when we did not have to do that anymore. The last thing would be telling peolpe your dream and them look at you like o really?? That is hard at first but it just pushes me more in the end.
The Class is very well thought out and does not need much change. To help improve it? I would say meet more then once a week. Maybe twice a week for an hour and a half. It will make students more accountable. Second I would say, make sure to have a panel that is older. The first panel was great but I would of liked to hear from an older panel that was more established. The last thought I would say make sure students really know what they are getting tinto for the class. If they don't know they can sometimes hold the progress of the class up.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

We were told to complete another one of our steps. This week and last week I have been thinking of summer jobs that I would enjoy doing this summer. I applied to a facilities job at UIC. I thought I would enjoy working outside all summer. I also applied to a desk job with the athletic department. This job will help me with my comptuer skills for the future. I have to work a lot with excel and word. The last job i applied for was a coaching job for the summer. The kids are a U-14 team. I have some experience coaching already but, I've never had one team as just my responsibility. I figured this would be a great opportunity to get experience in that Field. I love working with kids and expanding their knowledge about the game of soccer. The game that has helped me become who I am today.
I had my meeting with my friend Matt, I told him about my game on saturday. I told him I didn't play well the first half. I played very well the second half. This leads me to my next point. I have a game this friday. This is the last game of the spring. I told him I was going to put a full game together! My family is coming to wacth me play and I want to preform well since they are traveling 4 hours to watch me play. This is important to me because I want to make it to the next level to play socccer and if I can't play everyday at the high level i'm supposed to play I'll never make it. I was supposed to juggle everyday last week. I did every day except the day before my game. As the summer approaches I'm preparing for a very hard time in my training. This part of the year is when you really get yourself better.
When I look back I did everything i wanted to during the week. It was not easy but I followed through with it. Like a said earlier i'm at that point of the year where my training is at it's peak!My chart is fine. I'm on a role. The summer could not come any faster. I might actually be ahead of my chart as soon as school ends. With the school factor and work it puts a lot on my shoulders. A new step that will be added in is an extra session of training each day 5 days a week during the summer. I'm also adding that i get one day every 2 weeks that i can cheat on my diet. The only troubles that I have sometimes is waking up at 6 in the morning to train and still have energy to want to go on with my day. I have countered these feels with going to sleeep earlier and making sure I eat during the right times of the day. Since I turned 21 it is also hard to reject having a beer or two with dinner. I love a good tasting beer but that is NOT on my diet!! My plan is to finish my semester strong in school and make sure i don't have to do summer school or anything of that sort so i can work and train all summer. Can't forget about having some fun too!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My next step was an easier one this week. I had a resume that I worked on about 5 years ago. I took that resume and revised it to make myself a up to date ready resume. I kept the same format of the old resume. It is always good to have a updated resume on file in case any opportunities come my way.
My buddy is a long time friend of mine from childhood. His goal is to be a pilot. Our goals are different but we are both determined and willing to support each other like we always have. Our first meeting started off with talking about our goals and how we were coming along. I told him that my goal is to train everyday with a day off every other week until season starts in august. He then tells me his goal is to fly at least 15 hours a week. To be a pilot you have to have a certain amount of flying hours. I told him my problems right now are keeping my mind focused all the time with school and training. His problem is finding money to be able to fly every week. Overall it was a good meeting and i'm looking forward to our next meeting.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

There were two exercises that we were supposed to do this week. My first task was to stop by the co-op office to see if I could do an internship or something of that sort while being in school also. The people at the office are very helpful and nice. There are some options for me during the school time period. I now have to figure out what I will have to give up. This will mean me not training with my team in the spring and just trying to do school and my co-op. I would have to do most of my training on my own. This is a challenge because it is hard enough to do it when someone is pushing you. It's even harder when your doing it off pure self motivation.
The second part was reflecting on our fears. I someday would like to play soccer at the professional level. Tonight is our game against the Chicago Fire. This is a challenge/ fear, because this is a test to see my abilities compared to someone at the professional level. The resistance is that i have been questioning myself at times. This then makes me nervous at times. I'm very excited for our event tonight at seven!! Last year there were 2000 people watching us play. It's a great feeling when there are that many people watching you play. weather they are there to see you or not. The way I have delt with preparing myself for this game is going out and having fun. If i have fun and don't worry to much about the outcome i will try to preform to the best of my abilities. Overall my goal is to turn this fear into a fun learning atmosphere that i can grow on and help guide me to the next level.