Tuesday, April 21, 2009

We were told to complete another one of our steps. This week and last week I have been thinking of summer jobs that I would enjoy doing this summer. I applied to a facilities job at UIC. I thought I would enjoy working outside all summer. I also applied to a desk job with the athletic department. This job will help me with my comptuer skills for the future. I have to work a lot with excel and word. The last job i applied for was a coaching job for the summer. The kids are a U-14 team. I have some experience coaching already but, I've never had one team as just my responsibility. I figured this would be a great opportunity to get experience in that Field. I love working with kids and expanding their knowledge about the game of soccer. The game that has helped me become who I am today.
I had my meeting with my friend Matt, I told him about my game on saturday. I told him I didn't play well the first half. I played very well the second half. This leads me to my next point. I have a game this friday. This is the last game of the spring. I told him I was going to put a full game together! My family is coming to wacth me play and I want to preform well since they are traveling 4 hours to watch me play. This is important to me because I want to make it to the next level to play socccer and if I can't play everyday at the high level i'm supposed to play I'll never make it. I was supposed to juggle everyday last week. I did every day except the day before my game. As the summer approaches I'm preparing for a very hard time in my training. This part of the year is when you really get yourself better.
When I look back I did everything i wanted to during the week. It was not easy but I followed through with it. Like a said earlier i'm at that point of the year where my training is at it's peak!My chart is fine. I'm on a role. The summer could not come any faster. I might actually be ahead of my chart as soon as school ends. With the school factor and work it puts a lot on my shoulders. A new step that will be added in is an extra session of training each day 5 days a week during the summer. I'm also adding that i get one day every 2 weeks that i can cheat on my diet. The only troubles that I have sometimes is waking up at 6 in the morning to train and still have energy to want to go on with my day. I have countered these feels with going to sleeep earlier and making sure I eat during the right times of the day. Since I turned 21 it is also hard to reject having a beer or two with dinner. I love a good tasting beer but that is NOT on my diet!! My plan is to finish my semester strong in school and make sure i don't have to do summer school or anything of that sort so i can work and train all summer. Can't forget about having some fun too!

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