Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The most important thing I learned this semester was know myself before trying to lead or interact with others.
After reading my blog I feel like I have grown throughout the semester. I feel like professor Rock has guided me to find myself and push me to limits I would not of touched without some guidance. There were some frustrating times but also many good times. My thinking has changed throughout the semester. I feel like if I want something all I have to do is go for it and just step out of the ordinary boundaries. At times this is easier said then done. This has put a huge change on my future. I feel like nothing is out of reach where before I was questioning myself. I made Phone calls to peolpe that I thought I would never talk to. I have set my mind to a certian amount of training that I thought was impossible but, just holding myself accountable for what I said I was going to do made me do the work. The real test is always when no one is watching you and you can try to cut corners. It is so easy to do those types of things. This class has helped me understand that having a plan and sticking to it is the best and easiest way possible to handle that sort of situation.
The top three things I liked about Leadership for Change was it made me think about myself in a way I have never thought about. It made me think outside of the box. The second thing was it made me hold myself accountable and teach myself how to be 100% accountable all the time not just 85% or 90% of the time. The third thing I liked was I met peolpe that I can network with and how to network better in the future.
The three things I liked least were at times this class was frustrating. It made you get out of your comfort zone and push you to new heights. This is a good thing once you get over the hump. The second thing was I didn't like the kill your tv part. I don't watch tv that much but I do a certain times. I was so happy when we did not have to do that anymore. The last thing would be telling peolpe your dream and them look at you like o really?? That is hard at first but it just pushes me more in the end.
The Class is very well thought out and does not need much change. To help improve it? I would say meet more then once a week. Maybe twice a week for an hour and a half. It will make students more accountable. Second I would say, make sure to have a panel that is older. The first panel was great but I would of liked to hear from an older panel that was more established. The last thought I would say make sure students really know what they are getting tinto for the class. If they don't know they can sometimes hold the progress of the class up.

1 comment:

  1. once again Nate, great blog entry. I feel the same way you do for as far as the course and what it has taught you for the most part. Keep it up and you will go far.

    Ben O.
